Managing your cash flow intelligently is essential in building the kind of lifetime investment and spending plan required to maintain your financial security.
Most people want to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyle once they stop working. However, living in retirement requires a different set of strategies than saving for retirement.
Proactive tax planning can yield big benefits. Less tax means more money for you to save, invest or spend.
Because uncertainty is a fact of life, it is crucial to have an investment strategy that is flexible enough to effectively deal with change based on your unique circumstances.
Protecting your income and assets from catastrophic financial loss that can result from illness, death or creditor lawsuits is a vital part of any financial plan.
Estate planning is a fundamental part of every financial plan. Employing even the most basic strategies can yield enormous personal and economic benefits.
Sentry Financial Planning does not sell insurance products, draft estate planning documents or prepare tax returns. Our advice and work with clients and their insurance, estate, and tax specialists is based on the perspective of a financial advisor. Clients should rely on the expertise of professionals in each of these areas.
Investable Assets | Annual Fee |
First $1,000,000 | .75% |
Next $1,000,000 | .50% |
Subsequent Amounts | .25% |